HARD RESET – Welcome back to the real world

- Title:
- HARD RESET – Welcome back to the real world
- Type:
- Virtual Club
- Date:
- 11 12 21
- Start:
- 21:00
How do I reset my party life and fully restore it to its original factory settings?
To reset your party life, first make sure your local club culture is locked down again, although there are ways to ensure the safest possible events (PCR) but their relevance is not acknowledged. We also recommend that your Beautysekt is at least 50% charged when you perform a hard reset. Now pull your left ear and simultaneously press the belly button for about 30 seconds until the root menu appears in front of your inner eye. Then select the desired action, in this case “Factory reset”. Now drink your Beautysekt in one gulp and type: virtual.objektkleina.com. At 9 p.m. CET, you can migrate your party life to the virtual club engine. Give your smiley a name, look around with your mouse pressed and move around with WASD on your keyboard. During opening hours, we present DJ sets every hour. You can find the timetable next to the bar.
Should I migrate my party life completely to objekt klein a virtual club engine?
Please note: A migration completely erases everything that makes up club culture. Without a return to real life club culture, sooner or later you will become a zombi and you will eat your pets and/or housemates.
If you look another smiley in the eye, you can establish a direct voice connection with the other person. The precondition for this is that a microphone is available, activated and authorised. A common chat is available for all cyberravers.
This virtual space is intended to be as secure as possible, but has no access control. Therefore, even more than the physical club, it is dependent on you proactively shaping it in a positive way. Racist, sexist, homophobic or other hostilities do not belong here.
Our architect is constantly working to improve and expand the virtual objekt klein a. Be gracious if complications arise, test multiple browsers if necessary to achieve the smoothest experience possible.
Artwork: Euler Void
Gefördert von NEUSTART KULTUR, der Initiative Musik und der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (BKM)
🌐 DJ DVB ( Miami Weißeritz )
🌐 Ergo Proxy ( Semper II, AMP//R, Chiffre, Noar )
🌐 M.over ( M.over Company | LE )
🌐 PAU PAU ( Zirkulation, objekt klein a )

- Title:
- Virtual ROUTINE
- Type:
- Virtual Club
- Date:
- 25 12 21
- Start:
- 21:00
Klinkt euch ein in diese Routine Spezial, voller Weisheit und Rotkraut, Housecats und Discofoxes, und natürlich Beautysekt in Strömen. Wir haben geballte Girlpower für euch an den Klingglöcken und Josef Panda unternimmt eine Traumreise durch die Kneipen der Welt. Außerdem könnt ihr euch auf ein ganz neues Level freuen, das Erinnerungen wecken dürfte! Also schnappt euch die Liebsten und klemmt euch am Abend des 25. hinter den Heimcomputer! Denkt bitte auch dran, die Bierflaschen auf dem virtuellen Tresen zu klicken und der Seenotrettung ein paar Taler eures Weihnachtsgeldes zu spenden!
Between 21.00 and 1.00 CET enter: virtual.objektkleina.com. Give your smiley a name, look around with your mouse pressed and move around with WASD on your keyboard. During opening hours, we present DJ sets every hour. You can find the timetable next to the bar.
If you look another smiley in the eye, you can establish a direct voice connection with the other person. The precondition for this is that a microphone is available, activated and authorised. A common chat is available for all cyberravers.
This virtual space is intended to be as secure as possible, but has no access control. Therefore, even more than the physical club, it is dependent on you proactively shaping it in a positive way. Racist, sexist, homophobic or other hostilities do not belong here.
Our architect is constantly working to improve and expand the virtual objekt klein a. Be gracious if complications arise, test multiple browsers if necessary to achieve the smoothest experience possible.
Artwork: Euler Void
Gefördert von NEUSTART KULTUR, der Initiative Musik und der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (BKM).
🌐 2 Girls 1 Club ( Drossel, Slowereastside | LE )
🌐 Catelle ( B )
🌐 Die Josef Panda Show
🌐 Sarah Wild ( Feines Tier, Midnight Operators | B )
Virtuelle Jahresendprämie

- Title:
- Virtuelle Jahresendprämie
- Type:
- Virtual Club
- Date:
- 31 12 21
- Start:
- 21:00
Auch wenn die Planerfüllung dieses Jahr schon wieder höherer Gewalt und niederen Instinkten zum Opfer fiel, hier kommt eure Jahresendprämie, denn ihr könnt ja nix dafür. Ob Döner for one, Piccolöchen mit den Mitbewohnis oder Bleigießen mit Kai Pflaume, alles wird erträglicher mit einem Schuss Öl im Feuer der Leidenschaft, und sei es virtueller Natur. Außerdem, das nächste Jahr wird mindestens so toll wie das alte war. Darum lasst uns froh und munter sein. o.k. anstoßen!
Between 21.00 and 5.00 CET enter: virtual.objektkleina.com. Give your smiley a name, look around with your mouse pressed and move around with WASD on your keyboard. During opening hours, we present DJ sets every hour. You can find the timetable next to the bar.
If you look another smiley in the eye, you can establish a direct voice connection with the other person. The precondition for this is that a microphone is available, activated and authorised. A common chat is available for all cyberravers.
This virtual space is intended to be as secure as possible, but has no access control. Therefore, even more than the physical club, it is dependent on you proactively shaping it in a positive way. Racist, sexist, homophobic or other hostilities do not belong here.
Our architect is constantly working to improve and expand the virtual objekt klein a. Be gracious if complications arise, test multiple browsers if necessary to achieve the smoothest experience possible.
Artwork: Euler Void
Gefördert von NEUSTART KULTUR, der Initiative Musik und der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (BKM).
🌐 August Herbst ( Reine Wäsche )
🌐 Bias ( dundst°, oka )
🌐 goldie ( oka, fragmented: )
🌐 Kotelett ( B )
🌐 nsphere ( deeper access, oka )
🌐 Panda Lassow ( Pressure Vibes | DD, Rotterdamm )
🌐 Power Suff Girls ( ILL Crew, Zur Klappe | HH, B )
🌐 Sova ( oka, Palais Palett, DDAC )